After more than 5 years, today I returned to sit in a Company office at my location (which is Böblingen since we moved to Herrenberg). They closed the office in Berlin back in 2017, then Corona pandemic kept the offices closed in Germany. And so today I have lived this good feeling again.
Diary 2022
(all posts of 2022)
ROMA – Missione Magliana II

Missione Magliana II, 20 years later
Missione Magliana happened 20 years ago, in 2002, and initiated the story of myself-and-my-place-in-Rome which has known many phases, participants and protagonists over the years.
With Missione Magliana II this chapter of my life comes to a end in 2022.
My thoughts and gratitude go forever to those times, to the place I lived, owned, managed during these 20 years; and to the people who have crossed my life in and around the apartment in Rome, who have helped me in settling there and making that place and my life of those years warm, important, intensive, and more.
While in Rome those 4 days I had the chance to meet some of the places, food, and people that I miss. I stayed at Corrado & Silvia’s place, and spent very good time with them, evenings at home or walking through Piazza Navona, Piazza Farnese and Campo de Fiori… eating Pizza Bianca with Mortadella. I saw Gianfranco and Marco one evening in Trastevere, sitting in front of a wonderful Amatriciana. And I met my roman relatives, Melina, Luca, Maria, Antonella & co..

Happy Birthday Amazing Kids

Almost 2 weeks of quarantine/isolation for my family after a couple of positive Covid tests for Guni and Wanda. Most important thing is that they experienced almost no symptoms.
Peter and his family where here for a visit when it happened, and they isolated from us in another part of the house.
Strange situation, but we managed it.
I wonder about the reliability and the sense of these tests at the current stage of the pandemic.
Pages recently added to the Back in Time section of this website.
Bio Chapters : Lucio Dalla, Londra
Super Hero

You are a Super Hero, Diego. Every day. A beautiful kid, full of love and light. Seeing you supporting your sweet sister while she was crying as she missed her Mamma after a day without her, helping her at all costs also against my will… Always protect your sister, Diego, always be by her side; she is more important than me, she is part of you and you are part of her.
A sunny day with you two my loves, Wanda and Diego. I try hard, but I know Mamma is something different for you, I understand that, I do not have her patience, her sweetness, I am simply not the mother.
But I love you. I really do. And I admire you, as the best, good, better being I have to inspire myself to.
There is a lot happening, inside my life and outside. Weeks move fast. Work is a roller coaster. Family is filling and warming the days. And I did not find time and things to say lately. But signing the Covid test certificate of the kids for their kindergarten, I realised it is the 4th of March today. 4 Marzo.
Happy Birthday Lucio Dalla. My first unforgettable idol.

You can’t beat Spidey

Early 90’s. Listening Behaviour.
A most inspirational and rewarding music experiences.
About one year ago I moved this website under the platform. Gradually moving what can be moved of the legacy pages is also an opportunity to revisit and refresh some of them.
The Back in Time page contains the archive of this Diary’s posts since foundation in 2002, plus the chronicles and thing I remember of the previous years until back to 1974 when I was born. And I am recently reviewing those pages adding a summary of the decades 70’s, 80’s, 90’s.
If you’re wondering who is ever interested in this: I am. It helps me in remembering the beautiful journey of these years. It feels good to remind what I do not want to forget. We normally live our present and with our minds focused on today, maybe on tomorrow and the future, and on few days back. I try to preserve here my personal memories of a life I love.
I write this website in English. Rarely, especially when I am particularly lazy, I also use my mother tongue, Italian, as it comes more fluid to me, I have a richer vocabulary. And with today’s tools none who is really interested in the content would find it hard to have it quickly translated.
Lately I am listening to History lessons of Prof. Alessandro Barbero on YouTube. I like history and I find these lessons interesting and very enjoyably presented. World Wars, Medieval life, Crusades, Ottoman Empire, Falkland, Carlo Magno, The Italian independence wars, The American civil war etc.
Abbiamo vissuto il 2021 a Berlino ed Herrenberg. Estattamente i primi 6 mesi nella Capitale, da Gennaio a fine Giugno; poi a partire da Luglio ad Herrenberg.
I primi sei mesi sembrano gia’ cosi’ lontani, a volte mi fermo a ripensare alle strade di Mitte e Prenzlauerberg ed alle persone ed i posti vissuti. E quando lo faccio, ovviamente, sento una sensazione mista tra gioia e amore … e mi spunta un sorriso.
Berlino mi ha accolto in una fase particolare della mia vita e mi ha regalato tanto, emozioni, visione, nuove energie ed esperienze colorate, calde e belle che, dopo dieci anni, fanno parte di me e dei miei ricordi. Penso ai caffe’, ai ristoranti e le pizzerie, alle sere fuori con Nico, ai Karaoke, a Masataka, alle chiacchierate con Matthias al Rosengarten, alla scuola di Tedesco di Kastanienalle, a Chaitan, ai marciapiedi larghissimi, alla musica di Max Raabe, alle colazioni fuori con Guni nel weekend, ai palazzi di Metzer Strasse ed al Café Hilde, alla Wasswerturm ed a Kollwitzkiez, alla U-Bahn, ai primi anni di Diego e Wanda, a Zionskirchplatz ed alla mia vita di quartiere, alle mie lunghissime passeggiate, alle nostre belle case dove abbiamo abitato, ed a tanto altro.
Da luglio siamo passati ad un nuovo scenario, ad Herrenberg e dintorni, che ho cominciato e che continiuero’ a raccontare qui.
The New Timeline
Stepping into 2022 with an updated and refreshed New Timeline!

Wishing everyone a Happy 2022!