A weekend of Partying, of Klimbing, of Lego, of Superheroes, of Carbonara, of Maultaschen. Of Love for our amazing Birthday Kids, Diego and Wanda turning 8!
since 1999
(all posts of 2024)
A weekend of Partying, of Klimbing, of Lego, of Superheroes, of Carbonara, of Maultaschen. Of Love for our amazing Birthday Kids, Diego and Wanda turning 8!
… the Garden, the Family, the warm and sunny Weather.
“Man liebt es gerne bunt, straff und glatt und rund;
Tomaten, die nicht schrumpeln, Kartoffeln, die nicht rumpeln...“
Eine fröhliche und teilweise sonnige Osterzeit, die wir mit deutschen und italienischen Verwandten in Herrenberg verbracht haben!
“das Gehirn arbeitet zwischen halb sieben und elf Uhr am besten. Wenn Sie mich fragen – danach ist das meiste nur noch Schrott.” (from “Der Fledermausmann” by Jo Nesbø)
Thank you Almi for this present, which came on the date of Elton John’s birthday! Perfect timing!
Genovese, Pizza, Salsiccia, Toto’ Movies, Anna, Ugo, Dario, Ale, Salvio, Natan, Giona, Marida, Fabio T, Bell Rosario, Metro Napoli e Circumvesuviana, Aperitivi, Biscotto amarena, Espresso, Polipetti alla Luciana, Napoli winning vs Juventus. In few days I have seen and done much.
Mit die Comedian Harmonists Lieder und mit mein elektrisches Klavier, singen ist gut für mich!
Quantum Theory is like a fantasy fable and is a team play, yes, but General Relativity is from a single mind and is…Revelation. Revelation like seeing the Matrix, the missing new dimension, redesigning the appearance of the World… a bit like the effect Pulp Fiction made to Jeff Bridges: “it’s almost like an etch-a-sketch, you know, it just takes everything and just cleans it all off and you start, you know, fresh”
During the winter months, I am improving my cooking skills to a higher level. And having fun with it.
One of my inspirations and guides is certainly Casa Pappagallo.
It was supposed to be in Berlin, but also here it is a lovely week with Diego and Wanda… my amazing kids.
And a couple of weeks ago, talking with your school teachers and listening how cool you are with everything you do, was such an emotion, such a joy that you gave to me. When you will read this Wanda, Diego, if you will read this note one day… well these are one of those moments… Thank you my kids. Beautiful you are.
After the overwhelming season 22/23, this year SSC Napoli is not performing well. Watching the games is not fun at the moment.
But I’m with the president ADL, for sure in my view he’s not the one to blame for this situation. Maybe there’s none to blame actually but, opposite to the current mainstream thought, I’m still with ADL and I prefer a president like him to many other situations.
Congratulations to my sweet little girl for her first public public cheerleader show at Stadthalle Herrenberg, on Sunday 28 January 2024.
You are beautiful and cool Wanda.
I am your first fan and supporter. And I love you.
The cheerleader show was part of a bigger charity show organised by and for the Kinderherzaktionen of Alex (http://www.kinderherzaktionen.de/). These people are the real angels.
I am happy twice, to have seen my girl in the show and to have supported this charity event and cause.
Last Christmas time 2023 was spent here in Herrenberg with my magic trio, Guni, Wanda, and Diego, and with part of our German family, Christoph, Marie Luise, Almi, Sebastian, and Pauline. Pulled pork was the culinary highlight prepared by Ohle, but I also enjoyed the cheese cream made with cheddar.
A Christmas time with a lighter head.
We moved to a new house, we went back to Valkanela, Guni and me celebrated 20 Years of love. And my parents’ Golden Wedding Anniversary, me and Matthias in Napoli, new scenarios at work, Napoli winning the Scudetto, walking through Rome again. While Wanda and Diego shining with their beauty. And many other things. Quite an eventful Year the 2023.
I just updated the Timeline (which might be further updated/ fine tuned).