(with) Matthias in Napoli

We have wanted to do it for a long time, since short after we met in 2011, I guess we promised each other to visit Napoli together more than 10 years ago. And we finally made it. It’s been a highlight of life this weekend in Napoli with Matthias.

Day 1. 14.07.23
Arrival at NAP airport arround 1PM of that friday 14.07… this is what me and Matthias did, in a dry chronicles nutshell… My parents picked us up at the airport, we drove through Piazza Carlo Terzo and via Cavour to Naples’ historical center… and to our accomodation for our entire stay :
Camera con Vista Napoli / We had Pizza and antipasti fritti del cuoppo @ O’Munaciello in Piazza del Gesù with Ugo Anna and Matthias. / Met Giusy, and (I also met) Zio Salvatore and Zia Clara. Walked via Toledo, Quartieri Spagnoli, Largo Maradona, walked through Galleria Umberto and by Teatro San Carlo. / Had a Caffè and a mini Sfogliatella @ Gran Caffè Gambrinus / walked through Piazza Del Plebiscito and had the first view of the Vesuvio. / We continued our walk on the Naples’ Lungomare Caracciolo via Partenope, Castel dell’Ovo and the Borgo Marinaro. / Sitting in front of Hotel Continental, just talking me and Matthias. / Aperitivo @ Partenope Bar on the Lungomare. Walking back through quartiere Santa Lucia. Dinner in centro storico @ Pulcinella Bistro’ having Parmigiana di melanzane and Pasta alla Genovese Napoletana. / Drinks at Oax and the bars of Vico II Quercia.

Day 2. 15.07.23
Spaccanapoli! Visiting churches helped us cooling ourselves down from the (very) hot temperatures outside… Chiesa del Gesu’ Nuovo / Complesso Monumentale di Santa Chiara / Spaccanapoli / Piazza San Domenico Maggiore and (Matthias only) Chiesa di San Domenico Maggiore / Via San Gregorio Armeno. Eating Pizza a Portafoglio e Frittatina di pasta napoletana by Pizzeria Di Matteo. / We then (slow and easy) walked back home for a siesta, outside it was too hot! / In the afternoon we made some souvenir shopping and had a drink and a Tarallo ‘nzogna e pepe at Oax bar before meeting Dario and Marida in Piazza Bellini and joining Ciro, Silvia and Alessandro at the Vernissage restaurant. / We all walked back through Piazza Dante and had final drinks and staying together at the bars … Read more

SSC Napoli Campione d’Italia


E’ stato un anno calcistico bellissimo, pomeriggi e serate passate davanti alla TV a guardare questo Napoli divertente, spettacolare, corretto, sano. Insieme a mio figlio Diego tante volte, ed a riguardare le immagini stupende dei loro gol e delle loro vittorie. Un percorso vissuto insieme a loro, anche se a distanza, dall’inizio, dal ritiro in estate quando avevo avvertito qualcosa di nuovo e positivo in questa squadra.
Spero che il Napoli ed il suo modo di interpretare il calcio possa essere di ispirazione ed esempio per le altre squadre, per i bambini e per quelli che seguono questo sport.

Il Napoli e’ Campione d’Italia. Sembro quasi abituato a pensarlo dopo il grande distacco e la grande superiorita’ rispetto alle avversarie espressi per tutto il campionato. Eppure fino a qualche mese fa era qualcosa che pareva non doversi realizzare mai, quasi un miraggio, un traguardo da rincorrere e guardare ma non raggiungibile.
L’ultima volta era successo 33 anni fa. Avevo 15 anni. C’era il grande Diego.
Il Napoli e’ Campione d’Italia! Adesso. E c’e’ Diego, il piu’ importante di sempre.

Foundation and Wanda

Re-reading Asimov’s Foundation, I realised how the name of my daughter is linked to my favourite book and dream…

Wanda is the name of a planet in the Foundation Trilogy. The temporary headquarters for the navy of Bel Riose, General of the Galactic Empire, during the war between the Empire and the Foundation. Ducem Barr and Lathan Devers were kept in a prison on Wanda during this war, and Devers’ ship was impounded there also.

Wanda Seldon is a character in Isaac Asimov’s science-fiction novel Forward the Foundation. Wanda Seldon (12040 GE-) is the granddaughter of Hari Seldon and the daughter of Raych and Manella Seldon. If it were not for her, Seldon may not have been able to set up his Second Foundation as envisioned by Yugo Amaryl before his death. Wanda was the first person Seldon had met with her unique brand of mentalic powers, but not the last. Along with Stettin Palver, she formed the seeds of the Second Foundation and ensured the survival of the Foundation until and beyond the formation of the Second Galactic Empire, assuming Galaxia didn’t take place.