1999 |
Diary 2016
was all about
back to these days, to all the moments I had the time and
the will to write and to the ones still in my mind ... it's
incredible how many things we managed to do and to change
this year, how magically one finds unexpected power and
It is the power of the union, the magic of love. |
Christoph and Marie Luise
were in Berlin for some days at the beginning of December
- meeting us and the kids and helping us with the hard
work the kids bring.
It was the first
Christmas ever spent in Berlin, with my family
Anna, Ugo and Dario spending some days here for a very
special celebration.
My life is full of gratitude
to George Michael,
who died on Christmas day, for all the beautiful emotions
he gave to me. A super artist, icon of my World.
02.12.2016 I know, I know... I
do not write a note here since one month. But it's been a busy
November, we have been all sick, first D&W and then Regine
and then me, and then D&W and Reigne and me again. Winter
arrived for real, the first winter for the twins... And I am back
to work, and we have been searching for a baby sitter, and Marie
Luise was here to help for ten days, and I have a new room here
in our building and and and... No surprise, things are getting
very demanding, challenging, time keeping, intensive.
I have a new schedule, must find rythm and energy and new way
to do and organize my things. Like this website.
website must evolve to a new set up...
- 31.10.2016
My Elternzeit
mio periodo di congedo paternita', Elternzeit, e'
giunto alla fine... Quasi non ci posso credere. E'
stato un tempo meraviglioso, importante per me e per
noi, indescrivibile, che non devo e non posso dimenticare....
e che spero restera' nell'anima di D&W per sempre:
un abbrivio per la loro vita che e' iniziata da poco,
dove ogni giorno deve essere prezioso e celebrato.
ho trovato le energie ed il tempo per aggiornare questo
diario nel mese di Ottobre. Abbiamo fatto centinaia
di foto;
e saranno queste, insieme al nostro ricordo delle
emozioni e dei momenti, la migliore testimonianza
di questi giorni.
ai ricordi sparsi nella mia mente... provo a chiudere
gli occhi...
la notte e' sempre una sfida - che si rinnova ogni
volta (e per fortuna c'e' la Pecora Ewan che ci aiuta)"
... W ha cominciato a girarsi da sola sulla pancia,
e proprio ora mentre scrivo anche D! ... Peter a Berlino
con A. ... foto, tantissime foto ... D dice 'Mamma'
ed oggi 31 Ottobre anche 'Papa'' ... i nonni
a Berlino ... il mese di Ottobre davvero intenso ...
cerchiamo una babyitter? o ci trasferiamo per un po
ad Herrenberg? ... cerchiamo una nuova casa piu'
grande? o riorganizziamo questa? (che bella questa
pero'...) ... abbiamo rivisto dopo tanti anni
Yoosang, qui a Berlino per un concerto ...da fine
Settembre hanno iniziato lo svezzamento - e sono bravissimi.
...e' stato bellissimo girare la citta' con i bimbi
e Regine nelle nostre lunghe passeggiate durante la
settimana quando la gente e' al lavoro e la citta'
sembra tutta tua e piu' vera , io ci trovo sempre
qualcosa di romantico in questa citta'... i venerdi'
a pranzo al mercatino di Arkonaplatz, le domeniche
allo Street Food Market a KulturBrauerei... TO BE
CONTINUED ... ... ...
ed il 2o Ottobre 2016 abbiamo celebrato i loro primi
sei mesi (Month 6 W.D.A.)
special present from Regine for my birthday: the Lapelazzuli.com
drink coasters
09.09 - 21.09.2016
Vacanze in Italia!
E' stata la nostra prima vacanza in 4, il primo viaggio
in aereo per W
& D con
il loro nuovo passaporto tedesco. Il viaggio di andata
e' stato davvero una gran fatica, arrivati io e Regine
stremati alla meta, Napoli. I gemelli hanno visto
per la prima volta l'Italia, l'altra parte delle loro
radici... Siamo stati al mare (Terracina) con i nonni
ed abbiamo incontrato parenti ed amici. Ed a Napoli
abbiamo festeggiato il loro quinto mese di vita (month
5 W.D.A.).
La ricorderemo questa vacanza e sara' nelle loro memorie
di sicuro, ed un giorno leggeranno da queste righe
questi piccoli dettagli che ho scritto per loro. Anzi
un giorno, spero, continueranno al mio posto a raccontare
la nostra storia da questo sito.
Celebration Lapelazzuli.com
One month of paternity leave has gone. It's been a wonderful
August spent with Regine and the Kids, with friends and
with the loved ones who came to visit us. Every morning
a walk through the beautiful and sunny Berlin, sometimes
a picnic, sometimes at the beer garden, sometimes back
home for lunch. And the
walks in the Berlin's "friedhof(s)"
are quiet and nice moments away from the noise and the
hot temperatures of the rest of the city. It is still
very sunny and warm and we will keep going out and enjoying
the good and free time...
I am exercising with Darebee.com.
Good site, good initiative, very well done. And good and
easy workouts! In the past ten days I did (3 set light
level): Danger Zone, Night Shift, Cardio Drill, Code
Zero, Good Morning Abs, Ab Hub, Body Hack.
Another beautiful day, full of life and sun. A
picnic @ Mauerpark with Regine, the kids and friends
with their twins kids, in a very sunny day with
hot temperatures.
hey, according to Booking.com I am a Rome
I have visited Karl
Weierstrass grave in Berlin. A dive
into the memories of the first intensive University
period and an homage to the elegance and charm of
Mathematical Analysis. |
4 Months W.D.A. W&D Age (20.08.2016) |
And yesterday was a beautiful
day at Berlin's beach bar at Nordbahnof and with the first
Picnic for the twins. And
today is splendid too, swimming pool, balcony, talking with
Everyday is a beautiful day. I am enjoying this this parental
leave period, this new world and this new time.
You may believe in Zodiac or not, but you know what your
sign is. W
& D
were bon under the Aries sign.
Hertha Berlin vs SSC Napoli
in a pre season friendly match @ Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Sportpark
Dario e' a Berlino
per 4 giorni. Anche lui catapultato gioco forza
nei ritmi di W
e D.
Io comincio a godermi il periodo di paternita',
a Berlino tra le belle giornate che si alternano
con quelle un po piu' fredde, e le passeggiate
con i bimbi e con Regine, passeggiate che ormai
fan parte dei loro ritmi. Mangiano ogni 4 ore
adesso: 6, 10, 14, 18, 22... e poi, quasi per
magia, la notte dopo il pasto delle 22 si addormentano
e si risvegliano al mattino tra le 5.30 e le 6.
Hanno scoperto il giorno e la notte.
Il viaggio continua...
I am on parental
leave! 3 full months to spend with and for
my kids.
We have started this week, the entire days the four of us,
the time spent with W&D and Regine is very intense -
we will remember this days forever, I am sure.
W&D are changing everyday. Now experimenting sounds
with their voices. D. likes sitting with us at the kitchen
table while we eat, watching us with a look of desire for
real food... that little Italian! And W. that little girl
she wakes up with a smile every morning... They
like to be entertained now: they have started
playing with toys and staring at colored pictures. Both
same weight, but so different from each other with their
bodies and behaviors.
... |
Oggi sono 3 mesi di W
& D. Con
lo sguardo e con il sorriso... W
ti fa innamorare, D
ti fa sciogliere. Sono fantastici.
Weeks & 2 Days W.D.A. (08.07.2016) |
Weeks & 2 Days W.D.A. translated into the old calendar
means 08 July 2016. Anna and Ugo have left this side
of the Universe some days ago and the first week of
July the beautiful challenge is all on mine' and Regine'
shoulders. My parents have been great, they have helped
us and the kids a lot and we are so thankful to them
for all they do for us.
and D
are two characters!
twins can be really demanding but Regine is able to
amaze me continously with her way to handle now all
this with such calm, joy, smile, love, strenght.
This days my minds goes often back to the
days when we met, in Milan...
... a miracle happened to me, an immense fortune I met.
How beautiful you are, Regine. How beautiful, amazing,
breathtaking you have always been, Regine. Magic. Regine.
have recently celebrated Month 2 of the W&D Age.
They are changing every day, this is amazing. And growing.
We have walks with them in the baby-carrier or in the
babywagon, weather is beautiful and we enjoy this beautiful
At night I lie in bed sometimes with W
on the left, sometimes with D
on the right, this is and enchanted
moment: I wonder how will I feel when they will be grown
and this will change.
I am working, and we are receiving visits and help from
our parents, the grandparents now, during the day. Soon
I will be on parental leave, I am really looking forward
to it; I am sure we will enjoy these weeks so much.
Time has changed, priorities have changed, no order,
things left everywhere around - I am wandering in a
kids' driven dimension, possessed by W
and D.
I have the feeling that they know what I have to do,
where I must go, where it all must go. And they are
leading me there.
parte dell’Universo, al di la' dello Stragate, nel
Mondo di Adesso, il tempo conosce un sistema di riferimento
diverso. I momenti scorrono anche qui fluidi ma con accelerazioni,
decelerazioni, frenate brusche, espansioni e buchi neri
che mettono spesso il capogiro e lasciano disorientato
uno come me nato e cresciuto nel Mondo di Prima dall’altra
parte della Porta delle Stelle.
Nel Mondo di Adesso il giorno zero corrisponde al 20 Aprile
2016 del Mondo di Prima. E da questa parte mentre scrivo
siamo all’inizio della 7a settimana W.D.A. (W&D
I giorni e le notti qui non si alternano piu’ come
prima, si susseguono nello stesso continuo ma sono un
continuo del medesimo ritmo o quasi. E sara’ cosi
per un po’, almeno cosi’ mi dicono quelli
del posto.
Hanno da poco compiuto il primo mese di vita W
e D,
bellissimi e simpatici, ed e’ dolce vederli nelle
loro diversita’ e vicini nella loro essenza –
lati diversi di qualcosa che e’ uno ed e’
nato da quel miracolo che e’ l’amore per Regine
e con Regine.
Il tempo non lo trovo per fermarmi per riflettere e godere
come vorrei su quanto di grandioso e stupendo stia accadendo
e per guardare al Mondo di Prima ed alla sua bellezza
ed eccezionalita’.
Una specie di jetleg lo sento ancora – immagino
ci vorra’ ancora un po di tempo. Poi mi sentiro’
non soltanto felice come sono adesso ma anche a mio agio
nel Mondo di Adesso – ed il Mondo di Prima ed il
Mondo di Adesso si avvicineranno sempre di piu’
per convergere in un unica meraviglia.
E lo Stargate scomparira’.
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* * * *
entrato nello StarGate,
la porta delle stelle, alle 4 di mattina del 20 Aprile 2016.
sia stato D
ad aprire la porta, ha aspettato 38 settimane e poi ha aperto
la porta.
E da quel momento il tempo e gli eventi hanno assunto una
continuita' ed una rapidita' che non li ho distinti piu'
gli uni dagli altri. Catapultato dall'altra parte dell'Universo
attraverso il continuo iperspazio con Regine (la Mamma)
e raggiunti in corsa da W
e D
alle 11.30 di quel mattino. E via di corsa attraverso l'iperspazio
a prendere forza da loro ed a dar loro forza.
Ma il tempo, il cuore, il sangue, la corsa si sono fermati
quando ho visto per la prima volta i loro corpi uscire dal
corpo di Regine: forse il tutto era talmente incredibile
che cervello e cuore non sono riusciti a convertirla in
un'emozione decifrabile, e si sono fermati, bloccati, abbandonati
corsa attraverso lo Stargate mi ha portato da un'altra parte
dell'Universo. Ora ho pensieri ed emozioni sparse, che dimentico,
che provo ad ordinare...
be continued, might be changed, might be anything...
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& Diego
were born on 20.04.2016 |
10 days of April
We've reached April 10, "der
Termin" is in 1 month (31 days) , we've entered
the countdown zone. So actually there are not many stories
that I can tell here, as we are living in a kind of limbo
and putting all our energies on !!... |
Spring is arrived, yes, and
it's indeed a great feeling. Days are longer, warmer, brighter.
Zionskirplatz and all around here is beautiful. As soon
as my working days are over I try to enjoy when possible
and unlocked my bicycle after about one year.
Unfortunately, we couldn't
join Almi and Sebastian's wedding on April 1 in Hamburg.
Regine did not have enough energy on that day, so we decided
to stay in Berlin for the good of !!.
It was a tough decision but I know they understood and we
missed them all.
Regine is the most beautiful and sweetest thing
I have ever seen. I was blessed when I met
her. And since then she's been smiling at me everytime I
meet her eyes. She was shaped to be perfect for me and to
make me feel good.
spent the Easter's break at home: I was feeling a bit sick
and weak. But we've enjoyed this as well, because we feel
good together and we like our
place a lot. And by the way, we have a new kitchen table:
BoConcept's 'Milano'.
Kinderwagen !!
...checked |
19.03 Sebastian's
Junggesellenabschied in Hamburg!
It's been a great time with Sebastian, Peter & friends.
Eating tapas @ Cafe
Ribatejo. Driving crazy cars @ Racing
Center Hamburg. Drinking etc. @ Hamburger
Carpenter at
work! Babybed !!
I am currently working on a new 2016
recordings project. Let me give you
an exclusive preview.
Many important people
in my Universe were born in March. Lou Reed, Lucio Dalla, Elton John,
Dario, Almi, Marie Luise.
Recently published in the Headless
Recording page, recorded in 2015.
Me and Anna (my Mum)
Last week was busy enough and we decided to take it easy this
weekend, no appointments, no items to check. So Friday evening
was a night out on our own, with me having a nice evning with
Walter and Nico drinking wine in Zionskirchplatz. Saturday
we had a walk at Volkspark Humboldthain.
And today, Sunday, I was brave enough to install the IKEA's
chest (I had promised myself not to buy Ikea stuff anymore,
but this was the easiest and fastest solution we could find):
they'll call me Johnny Carpenter.
Anna and Ugo in Berlin, delivering 'corredini'
for !!,
cooking 'pasta e zucchine', offering consulting @ BabyWalz
and IKEA, etc. |
20-21.02 Geburtsvorbereitungskurs,
I am playing
more keyboards recently. Buying some Elton John records
for my compare Matthias has re-lighted the passion in me for those
great songs, and Eltonchords.com
is a great source of joy.
news from the first half of February...
has been our guest in Berlin for a few days at the beginning
of February, helping me and Regine - with Regine's days
getting shorter as she gets tired so fast and so suddenly
while !!
grow and grow.
And move and move: and they seem to wait for the evening
to begin dancing, like a party starting every night.
And I join the party ->
-> ->
existence of the Gravitational
Waves has been proven.
Einstein's General Relativity has had another proof
(not that this was needed, and this is not the real news
from the discovery of these days). Einstein provided a glimpse
into such an mistery like our Universe; a view on the unknown,
partial but already breathtaking and enough to make us dream,
to make us wonder, to make us hope, to make us go crazy.
We enjoyed the last weekend
of January, Regine and myself with Liane and Walter @ la
Kapelle, finally meeting Ak and Jt after a long time. And Peter
was in Berlin for few hours, and we couldn't miss pizza @ Giradischi.
PS. We like the way our apartment has recently changed.
A video conference with Ciro, Carlo and Dario. They are planning
a trip to Berlin in May. The message that Ciro wrote to book
an apartment in Berlin was very sweet and something to remember...
A day to remember:
Vaterschafts und Mutterschaft Anerkennung
@ the Berlin Mitte Jugendamt |
A night with... Masataka and his Jazz band The Working
Birds @ Schlot
they keep
us busy, already.
weekend 23-24 was a very active one, as we swapped
our bedroom and livingroom on Saturday ... and did
fotoshooting on Sunday
Smoky evening
with Niko
The Fleetwoods'
Mr. Blue is one of my favorite songs ever.
We sing it for
before sleeping. Regine says
she has read somewhere that they will remember the sensations
of these days when they will hear the music we make them
listen to now.
I recorded it here
for the posterity.
With the new Year we start to be aware of
the things to to do waiting for !!,
and some planning is needed.
So we have prepared a list we call The Checklist, and we focus
on what needs to be done.
And when a task is completed... it's
checked! |
great start of the year in Leipzig,
where we spent 3 lovely first days of January with Matthias
and our friends.
The time
spent with these German friends of mine is often very special,
leaving a sweet memory in my heart and in my thoughts.
... moments, hours like these ones, among people and cultures
and languages which only few years ago were so far away.
I enjoy living these situations and having at the same time
that instant of lucidity to realize the beauty of what is
going on; and I feel lucky. I think that we all go through
moments like these, but we rarely understand their beauty.
It's just a matter of realizing it.
was the first time for me in this city, and I will go back
there as soon as possible - to meet my compare and his family