The Kingdom of the Regine: the unforgettable Maulbronn
July '04

An unforgettable weekend has just gone.
An unforgettable moment is sculptured in my mind from now on.
You know?
"Life is a game". The most beautiful game mama and papa could ever have given to me as a present...
And The Game was preserving for me the ultimate surprise...

The Kingdom of the Regine: the unforgettable Maulbronn.
I've seen Maulbronn, i've seen the field in which Regine bloomed.
And I met the friends, the places, the streets, the mood she lived. And we both realized how different are the Worlds we come from...
I was supposed to play soccer, but i plaied a drama: I'm sorry Regine...I wish i was better! I walked through the monastery and the halls af their amazing school , i passed through those quiet places, i tasted the "doner" (which is kebab!) and i agree it's great, i met new people, new ways of being together. And Marie Luise and Almi came to meet us also...and I had a pizza with them in the heart of Maulbronn!!!

2 days. We camped outside the monastery, me and Guni and Utz and Alf and Jogi and Samuel and Peter and Frieder and all the ones who belonged to that place.
And all the ones who since now on belong to peace, to beer, to barbeque, to soccer, too cold!!!, to cigarettes, to what i couldn't know.
To Regine.
And to me.
Unforgettable Maulbronn.